All the tricks and suggestions to make the most of your Levius, preserve their beauty and integrity for longer.
Our shoes do not follow the normal care of sneakers, the leathers are different and the natural oily part should be maintained to ensure flexibility and waterproofness. In case of prolonged use it could dry up, we have foreseen the reintegration with the natural fat of our production, the colors benefit and the softness and impermeability are restored.
* Only in the white color was used a non-greased leather, as a naturally unrepeatable color, for the care in this case the common products for sneakers can be used.
Leather laces are a little uncomfortable but very popular for the final look of our shoes. With time and use they can get damaged or break, due to the section and the colors they can be difficult to find.
Original domestically produced Levius can now be purchased.

The flat knot is one of the most common and simple junction knots, the same used for mooring boats in the lagoon. We recommend using it with leather laces.

To tie a flat knot:
1 - weave the ends of the laces as for a normal knot
2 - weave the ends again in a specular way (e.g. if the left lace was first passed in front, this time it passed through the back)
3- the flat knot is correct if symmetrical